Read Psalm 113. TEXT: ..."Your prayer has been heard"
(Luke 1:13b).
According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, about six percent of married women
between 15 and 44 years of age are unable to get
pregnant. Infertility is extremely frustrating. Your
hopes rise, only to be dashed month after month,
year after year. What happens to a couple's dreams
and prayers when they watch months, years,
sometimes even decades pass with no child, no
pregnancy? Time has a way of silencing those
prayers, but it does not diminish the hurt and grief.
By the time Zechariah stands before the angel in
the temple, his prayers are a distant memory. But
decades before, when Zechariah and Elizabeth were
pouring out their heartfelt prayers, God's answer to
them was "Yes--but not yet." God was waiting until
His time was right. He knew a certain young girl had
yet to be born. Only when she would grow old enough
to become the virgin mother of His Son could this
couple conceive and give birth to their precious son.
Of course, Zechariah and Elizabeth never knew that
answer. All they had were the cold, hard facts that
convinced them God's answer had been "No."
Sometimes reality is so hard, so dark, uncaring, and
cold. Our prayers seem to go unanswered, and we
become disillusioned with God.
God's timing for our lives doesn't always work out the
way we would like. Sometimes our prayers seem to
go unanswered. But we need to remember that our
God is wise and loving, and has plans to prosper our
lives--not ruin them. For Zechariah and Elizabeth, the
long anticipated wait will definitely prove to have been
worth it. And the incredible honor God will bestow on
their son will be indescribable.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for questioning Your love
when You answer my prayers with "no" or "wait.
" Strengthen my faith that I may so trust Your fatherly l
ove that I pray "not my will, but Yours be done." In
Jesus' Name. Amen.
(By Rev. Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries
December 4, 2015)
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