Thursday, January 28, 2016


"No prophet is ever accepted in his own country"
(Luke 4:24).

You've heard the expression "what's in a name?"
Well you may be interested to know that in ancient
times, certain Hindu names were used as an
expression of gratitude for blessings received, or
wishes fulfilled -- or to show an association with an
event, a time, a place or a person. For example,
the name Dukhi means miserable or sorrowful -- a
name bestowed to ward off the envy of the gods.
The name Sukhi, means at ease, tranquil or content
-- and was used to show prosperity.

In a modern day parable, brothers Sukhi (the
optimist) and Dukhi (the pessimist) set off down the
road just as a flock of birds swoop in. And just like
that, Sukhi is wiping his head with his handkerchief.
Seeing this, Dukhi asks, "why are you smiling with
that mess on your head? You should be irritated!"
Sukhi answers, "I smile because I thank God. I thank
God for not making buffaloes fly!"

We may not call that particular situation a blessing,
but surely we can do better recognizing God's infinite
blessings, if only we have eyes to see them!

(Sunday Sermons Online)

Monday, January 25, 2016


Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, ‘Look, half
of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor; and if I
have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four
times as much.’
Luke 19:8


It is impossible to identify and prosecute all the previous
acts of brutality over the course of America's history of
white racism, but we need clear admission of those sins
and an asking for forgiveness on the part of white
Americans, followed by deeds and behaviors that signify
real change.
Jim Wallis, in his new book, America's Original Sin.


Lord, like Zaccheus, we desperately want to see your
face. And so, give us the courage to do justice, to
correct the wrongs we have committed, and to care for
the poor among us.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring
its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today!"
Matthew 6:25-34 NLT

Jesus encourages us not to worry about that which
we cannot control or about that which is not important.
Worry instead, he says, about your priorities and the
condition of your soul. When you find yourself overcome
with worry, take a careful look at the priorities of your
heart. When God is firmly established at the center of
our focus and desires, worry loses its grip on our lives.

From the TouchPoint Bible with commentaries by Ron
Beers and Gilbert Beers (Tyndale), p. 829

Monday, January 11, 2016


To put this in a religious context: overcoming the
divisions of race has been central to the church
since its beginning, and the dynamic diversity of
the body of Christ is one of the most powerful
forces in the global church. Our Christian faith
stands fundamentally opposed to racism in all its
forms, which contradict the good news of the
gospel. The ultimate answer to the question of
race is our identity as children of God, which we
so easily forget applies to all of us. And the political
and economic problems of race are ultimately
rooted in a theological problem. The churches have
too often “baptized” us into our racial divisions,
instead of understanding how our authentic baptism
unites us above and beyond our racial identities.

Do we believe what we say about the unity of
“the body of Christ” or not? The New Testament
speaks of the church as one body with many members.

    For just as the body is one and has many members,
and all the members of the body, though many, are one
body, so it is with Christ. . . . For the body does not
consist of one member but of many. . . . As it is, there
are many parts, yet one body . . . that there may be no
discord in the body, but that the members may have the
same care for one another. If one member suffers, all
suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice
together. (1 Cor. 12:12, 14, 20, 25–26 RSV)


( excerpt from Jim Wallis's book America’s Original Sin  - See more at:

Wednesday, January 06, 2016


The Epiphany of Our Lord:

Read Matthew 2:11-12. TEXT: And going into the house
they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell
down and worshiped Him. ... (Matthew 2:11a).

The long journey of the wise men is complete. They enter
the house and see the young Child with His mother. They
fall down before Him in joyous humility and present Him
with their costly gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Undoubtedly, Joseph will use these gifts to fund their
unexpected escape to Egypt when Herod sends his
soldiers to kill Jesus.

Our Advent journey is now complete, but our life journey
is not. Today in the Christian church the Christmas
season gives way to the Epiphany season. This new
season stretches until Ash Wednesday and the season
of Lent, when we turn our attention to the reason our
Savior was born, the reason He walked among us, the
reason He bore the name "Jesus." We will watch Him
take our sin, guilt and punishment upon Himself and
suffer and die in our place on the cross.

But today we anticipate the day our life's journey will
come to its end. Then with exceeding joy and gladness
we, like the wise men and the shepherds, will enter into
the presence of our Lord, our Savior, our Creator, and our
Brother. We will bow in sweet adoration, and rejoice in
His glorious presence forever. We will hear the angels'
adoration and rejoice with Jesus Christ, the Son of God
and Son of Mary.


Lord Jesus, thank You for journeying through this life for
us, and for journeying with us through our lives. Guide
us safely home and keep us in joyful anticipation of
entering Your presence forever. We pray in Your Holy
Name. Amen.

( Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries)