"No prophet is ever accepted in his own country"
(Luke 4:24).
You've heard the expression "what's in a name?"
Well you may be interested to know that in ancient
times, certain Hindu names were used as an
expression of gratitude for blessings received, or
wishes fulfilled -- or to show an association with an
event, a time, a place or a person. For example,
the name Dukhi means miserable or sorrowful -- a
name bestowed to ward off the envy of the gods.
The name Sukhi, means at ease, tranquil or content
-- and was used to show prosperity.
In a modern day parable, brothers Sukhi (the
optimist) and Dukhi (the pessimist) set off down the
road just as a flock of birds swoop in. And just like
that, Sukhi is wiping his head with his handkerchief.
Seeing this, Dukhi asks, "why are you smiling with
that mess on your head? You should be irritated!"
Sukhi answers, "I smile because I thank God. I thank
God for not making buffaloes fly!"
We may not call that particular situation a blessing,
but surely we can do better recognizing God's infinite
blessings, if only we have eyes to see them!
(Sunday Sermons Online)
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