Wednesday, March 09, 2016


By Rev. Wayne Palmer

Lenten Devotion

And immediately, while he was still speaking, the
rooster crowed. And the Lord turned and looked
at Peter. ... (Luke 22:60b-61a).

Read Luke 22:60b-62.

While Peter is still uttering his third denial, the
rooster crows. And immediately the Lord Jesus
turns and looks at Peter.

How does Jesus happen to be here right at this
very moment? He was first tried before the high
priest and Jewish high court in the middle of the
night (see Matthew 26:57-68). It is likely He has
been held in a place of confinement and now is
being brought back before the court so it can
render a legal verdict.

Despite all He has suffered and all the agony that
still awaits Him, Jesus' greatest concern is for
Peter. He has already prayed for him, and now He
looks upon him. Not with anger, judgment and
retribution, but with loving concern for His disciple's
salvation. With a look He brings Peter back to
repentance and faith.

Peter sees the haunting face of Jesus, and hears
the rooster's crow. Suddenly, the Lord's words come
flooding into his mind: "Before the rooster crows,
you will deny Me three times" (Matthew 26:75b).

Peter is cut to the heart and dissolves into tears. Not
just tears, Luke's word describes loud, audible
sobbing. It may seem strange that the guards don't
move in, but they are busy moving Jesus. Once again,
Jesus offers Himself to protect His disciple, providing
Peter the opportunity to escape to safety. But He
didn't just save Peter from the soldiers-He saved him
from Satan's trap, and through His suffering and death
He will save Peter and all of us from God's wrath.

If Jesus can forgive Peter's denial, be assured He can
forgive your worst sins.


Lord Jesus, with Your glance You brought about Peter's
repentance. Look upon me, that I may turn from my sins
with repentant tears-and follow You. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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