"Opening the Scriptures"
By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Then they (two of the disciples) told what had happened on the
road, and how He was known to them in the breaking of the
bread. (Luke 24:35).
Resurrection Sunday
Read Luke 24:1-35.
It is Sunday afternoon. Two grieving disciples are leaving
Jerusalem and slowly making their way home. Along the way
they talk about recent events. In time a stranger joins them in
their travels, a stranger who is oddly unaware of the recent
happenings in Jerusalem. They tell him about Jesus, about the
crucifixion, and the strange tale their women told about angels
and the empty tomb. But it is clear their dreams died along with
Jesus, and still remain buried in the borrowed tomb.
The Stranger calls them foolish, a word always used in the Bible
to describe people who view this world as if God didn't exist. He
patiently leads them through the Old Testament writings that
foretold the suffering, death and resurrection of God's promised
Messiah. As He speaks their hearts burn within them, filled with
astonishment and excitement as it finally dawns on them the
cross is not a sign of failure and shame, but God's glorious plan
to save humanity.
This day when we celebrate our Lord's resurrection our hearts burn
anew-filled with wonder and holy joy. Our Lord has conquered sin
and Satan. He has risen victorious over death and hell. We no
longer grieve the death of believing loved ones because we know
they are with Jesus Christ in Paradise, and on the Last Day He will
raise them as He Himself was raised. And we ourselves no longer
fear death because it lies crushed and vanquished beneath His feet.
On the Last Day He will return, and we will live with Him in triumph
Lord Jesus Christ, Victor over sin and death, stay with us, for it is
evening and the day is almost over. Comfort us through life and
death until You raise us to live with You in glory forever. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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