By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Lenten Devotion
A third time he (Pilate) said to them, "Why, what evil has
He done? I have found in Him no guilt deserving death. I
will therefore punish and release Him." But they were
urgent, demanding with loud cries that He should be
crucified. And their voices prevailed. (Luke 23:22-23).
Read Luke 23:18-23.
Pilate offers his compromise. Instead of condemning Jesus
to death, he will have Him scourged. But Jesus' bloody,
battered body isn't enough for the Jewish leaders. They
demand His death.
So Pilate tries another tactic, he offers the Jewish people
the choice of one of two prisoners he will release in honor
of the Passover: Jesus or Barabbas-the worst criminal he
has in custody. Matthew, Mark and John record that
Barabbas was a notorious prisoner who was guilty of
murder in an insurrection. To Pilate's astonishment the
Jewish leaders convince the crowds to call for Barabbas'
release and Jesus' execution. Ironically, Barabbas' crime
was insurrection and leading the people in revolt against
Rome-the very charge these Jewish leaders had falsely
leveled against Jesus. But now they demand the release
of the true insurrectionist, and the execution of the
Innocent One.
Desperately, Pilate addresses the crowd two more times,
demanding they give a valid reason Jesus should die. They
ignore him and keep shouting for Jesus' crucifixion. Pilate
knew Jesus was innocent and had said it over and over
again. Still, he let the crowds drown it out. Luke ends
today's reading with the chilling words, "And their voices
And what was Jesus doing this whole time? He was
standing by silently, accepting His Father's will that He be
crucified so that by His death He could give us life, pardon
and forgiveness.
Lord Jesus, You willingly suffered such injustice and hate
from the creatures You came to save. Thank You for bearing
the punishment for my disobedience. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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