"Preparing His Witnesses"
By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Lenten Devotion
As they (the disciples) were talking about these things,
Jesus Himself stood among them, and said to them,
"Peace to you!" (Luke 24:36).
Resurrection Monday
Read Luke 24:36-49.
The two Emmaus disciples are back with the disciples in
Jerusalem sharing their experience. Suddenly, Jesus is
standing right there in their midst. He immediately says,
"Peace to you!"
But the disciples are gripped with fear. Had Jesus knocked
on the door and walked into their midst, instead of suddenly
appearing, no one would be suspecting it was a ghost
standing among them. He immediately invites them to touch
His flesh and bones so they can be convinced He is no
ghost or spirit. He adds visual proof by eating a piece of
broiled fish.
Once they are convinced He is risen, Jesus explains why He
had to suffer, die and rise again. He not only appeals to
Moses and the Old Testament prophets, He reminds them of
the times He had foretold these things before His death. Then
He opens their minds so they can understand what He
accomplished by His cross and empty grave.
These are the witnesses He will send out into the world, but
their eyewitness testimony alone will not be enough. The Holy
Spirit will empower them and open the hearts of those who
hear and read their words. Through these weeks of Lent we
have read their eyewitness testimony. Through their eyes we
have seen Jesus crucified and buried for us, and risen again
in glory. May Christ's forgiveness, peace and eternal joy be
yours until we see Him with our own eyes and touch Him with
our own hands in Paradise.
Lord Jesus, thank You for the testimony of Your eyewitness
disciples, and for sending Your Spirit to create and strengthen
my faith through their words. Now send me as Your witness,
that I may share Your suffering, death and resurrection-wherever
You lead me. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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