Saturday, October 29, 2016


 Why not focus on policies that reduce the demand for
abortion? For example, empowering poor and low-income
women can make a difference in overall pregnancy termination
rates, as this demographic constitutes 75% of abortions.
Increasing access to birth control reduces the rate of
unplanned pregnancies, especially among low income women.
It’s simple: if women don’t get pregnant, then they don’t get
abortions. Providing supports for single mothers is also
beneficial, as more than 80% of those obtaining abortions are
unmarried, most of whom are not living with the father. Family
supports in general can be beneficial as well, considering that
about 60% of women getting abortions already have given birth
at least once. Increasing educational access can also make a
difference, as those who have a college degree are less likely
to have an abortion while those without a high school or college
diploma are more likely. Additionally, racial inequities in all
these areas – education, income levels, and so on – lead to
higher rates of abortions among black women than any other
group and slightly higher rates among Hispanic women. …
Honestly, I wish one of our major parties – or a third party,
whether viable for winning the election or not – holistically
supported life at all stages. My choice would be easier if that
were true. It’s not, though. And I can’t accept that being pro-life
is simply being anti-abortion. That’s not pro-life. It’s not. What
is our Christian witness to those who have been born when we
insist that the lives of the unborn matter more in our votes than
their lives do?
(Shannon Dingle)

Thursday, October 27, 2016


I can’t count the number of times that conservative Christians
have named “the Supreme Court” as the only deciding
question of this election. No matter what else a candidate
says or does or will do on any other issue, the only concern
some people have is what future Supreme Court justices will
decide on one issue — abortion. Things like intellectual
competence, moral character, honesty, emotional maturity
and temperament — and gospel issues like racial bigotry
and the treatment of women — apparently do not matter in
the end to some. Really?
As a Christian who truly believes that abortion is a moral
issue, I am deeply committed to dramatically reducing them.
But criminalizing an often desperate choice is not the answer.
We must also be deeply committed to the economic security,
healthcare, and childcare choices that women need, which
are critical to reducing abortion. I believe in the sacredness
and dignity of life from womb to tomb. But a “consistent ethic
of life” also includes ending poverty, human trafficking, the
death penalty, ceaseless and senseless wars, and weapons
of mass destruction.
(Jim Wallace)
The categories of pro-life and pro-choice are outmoded and
unhelpful. It’s time to find common strategies that promote
the health, sustenance, and equity of women, the sexual
integrity of men and women, the prevention of unwanted
pregnancies, the transformation of adoption systems, and
the care of children both unborn and born. We must
de-politicize abortion, and support women, parents, and
children in the way a society that values all kinds of families
truly should. This is a societal problem to be solved — not
an issue to keep screaming at each other about in ways that
further distort our electoral politics. Lord have mercy.
(Jim Wallace)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Scripture Amos 6: 1, 3-7 (NIV)
6 1.Woe to you(A) who are complacent(B) in Zion,
    and to you who feel secure(C) on Mount Samaria,(D)
you notable men of the foremost nation,
    to whom the people of Israel come!
4. You lie on beds adorned with ivory
    and lounge on your couches.(A)
You dine on choice lambs
    and fattened calves.(B)
You strum away on your harps(C) like David
    and improvise on musical instruments.(D)
You drink wine(E) by the bowlful
    and use the finest lotions,
    but you do not grieve(F) over the ruin of Joseph.(G)
Therefore you will be among the first to go into exile;(H)
    your feasting and lounging will end.

In a recent news story about wages in America a
reporter asked some one if the minimum wage
should be increased to $15.00 an hour, which
translates to about $31,200 per year for a family
of four.  The respondent said no, that would ruin
the economy.  Later I learned the respondent was
single and makes $30,000 a month--or $360,000
per year.  This kind of thinking is a clear indication
that the practices of the wealthy and even the
middle class are at the expense of the poor.

     Oppressing the poor is a violation of God's
intention for creation, and the injustice must be
addressed.  Exploiting the poor is not just in wages.
 It extends to the us of their land, the slave labor of
women and children, and any abuses of or harm
done to the natural environment.  "alas for those who
lie on beds of ivory and lounge on their couches ....
but are not grieved over the ruin of Joseph!"(vv.4,6). 
How am I contributing to the exploitation of the poor
in the expense of my own lifestyle?

Lord I want to advocate and stand with sisters and
brothers who deserve living wages.  Help me to keep. 
Help me to keep my focus on people, not profit.  

(Covenant Home Altar Velda R. Love author)

Thursday, October 20, 2016


In his final sermon, Jesus focused on the plights of
vulnerable, marginalized, and targeted people groups:
the hungry, the thirsty, the sick, the immigrant, the
imprisoned, and the destitute. Jesus identifies with
them saying: “Whatever you did for one of the least
of these you did for me.” Then he calls the faithful to
work toward their equitable inclusion in society—in
essence, to protect the image of God in them—to
protect marginalized people’s divine call to help
steward the world. In a democracy, the most basic
way citizens steward the world is by exercising
one’s right to vote

You know many people say that it doesn't matter who you
vote for, just that you vote.  Their wrong it does make
a difference.

I have one request.  When you vote ask yourself this question.

When you vote, vote not only as an American but as a person
of Faith!

I just voted and I will tell you this much-----I did not vote for
Donald Trump.


Psalm 146: 7b-10
7 He upholds the cause of the oppressed
    and gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets prisoners free,
8 the Lord gives sight to the blind,
the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down,
    the Lord loves the righteous.
9 The Lord watches over the foreigner
    and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
    but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.
10 The Lord reigns forever,
    your God, O Zion, for all generations.
Praise the Lord.


Recently I attended a forum discussion on
diversity.  When a dialogue on race began,
a participant said, :I don't see color.  My
immediate internal response was, "You
don't see this sun-kissed God creation
sitting across the aisle?"  The participant's
statement is often a way to avoid
acknowledging personal biases toward
African Americans.  Talking about race does
not mean there has to be a negative
confrontation.  Christians are often prisoners
to historical myths and preconceptions about
people from different cultures and ethnicities. 
People want to be respected, seen and
acknowledged.  We marginalize and oppress
people when we deny their existence as
human beings created by a holy God.
     "The Lord sets the prisoners free;  the Lord
opens the eyes of the blind, the Lord lifts up
those who are bowed down;  the Lord loves
the righteous: (vv. 7b-8)


Lord, we are all created in your image.  Liberate
us from being blind seers and help us see our
sisters and brothers.  And forgive us when we
do not see all of your creation as good.  Amen
(from the Covenant Home Altar, Velda R. Love, author)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Psalm 146: 1-7a
Praise the Lord.
1. Praise the Lord, my soul.
2 I will praise the Lord all my life;
    I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
3 Do not put your trust in princes,
    in human beings, who cannot save.
4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
    on that very day their plans come to nothing.
5 Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
    whose hope is in the Lord their God.
6 He is the Maker of heaven and earth,
    the sea, and everything in them—
    he remains faithful forever.
7 He upholds the cause of the oppressed(N)
    and gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets prisoners free,
The chorus to one of my favorite gospel songs from
childhood starts, "God is the joy and the strength of
my life, removes all pain, misery, and strife.  He
promised to keep me, never to leave me.  He'll never,
never fall short of his word."  This song lifts my soul
and provides me with a reason to praise God at all
     The psalmist encourages us to praise the Lord. 
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.  African
descended people are not always able to experience
the goodness, joy, and peace of God because of
racial oppression and continuing acts of injustice. 
But despite the long history of racism, we are still
able to praise God because God created us in God's
likeness and image as taught by our ancestors
through God's word.
     God did not create race, racism, and oppression. 
God created humanity equal and good;  God is the
maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything
in them----God remains faithful forever.  God upholds
the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the
God, thank you for being my all and all.   AMEN
(from the Covenant Home Altar, Velda R. Love author)

Friday, October 14, 2016


Is it not from the mouth of the Most High
     that both calamities and good things come?
     — Lamentations 3:38

We need to know that everything we experience
is good.

I love these verses from Psalms: “Surely the
righteous will never be shaken . . . They will have
no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast,
trusting in the LORD” (112:6–7). The righteous
don’t fear “bad” news because they know in their
hearts that nothing is truly bad. They recognize
that everything comes from God.

But how can we keep our hearts steadfast when
going through crisis?

Rabbi Nachman (18th century) taught that we
must use our mouths to declare our faith. Even
just saying “I believe” will give us strength to keep
going with faith. I want to encourage us all to
speak words of faith to ourselves and to others.
Let’s declare that no matter how things seem, we
know that God is in control and has a good plan
for us and for the world.

With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Jim Wallis
Donald Trump has continued to shrug off his
condoning and bragging about sexual assault
on the ubiquitous Access Hollywood video —
which now many of our children have seen as
well via social media — as merely “locker room
It was my oldest son, home for his fall college
break, who told me last Friday, “You need to
watch this Dad; it’s really disgusting and it’s
all over Facebook.” So I did watch it, and my
son was right: It is utterly disgusting to hear
Trump reduce women to property that he can
handle however he wants to.
My son is an 18-year-old college baseball
player, and a lifelong athlete who has been
in “locker rooms,” or in his case, dugouts and
the gyms, for his entire life. He said, “I’ve never
heard that kind of talk from any of my teammates
or fellow athletes … never.” My younger son, who
at 13 and also a baseball and basketball player,
confirmed that he had never heard any of his
sports buddies talk that way. I felt deeply offended
and angry, that my two sons couldn’t avoid hearing
Donald Trump boast about groping women and
laughing that because he was a star he could get
away with it; those words are now everywhere in a
video nobody can avoid.
Donald Trump was a 59-year-old man when he spoke
about women as mere objects for his sexual
gratification — and he is now the presidential
candidate of a major party for president of the
United States.

Monday, October 10, 2016


Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff,
they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

For those of you who may have been on a distant planet for
the last decade, Justin Bieber is a singer. Actually, Justin
Bieber is a very rich, very successful singer who has grown
up in front of large crowds, screaming teenage girls, and
adults who don't quite manage to see what the big hubbub
is all about.

Although he seems to be getting things under control, his
public life has not been without a stumble or two.
Even so, recently Mr. Bieber received a glowing report from
the mother of a nine-year-old girl.

It seems that last May Mr. Bieber took time out of his busy
schedule and paid a visit to Kaylee Drew who was suffering
from acute myeloid leukemia. Stopping by the girl's hospital
room Mr. Bieber made that girl feel, at least for a while, first-
rate. Drew's mother wrote, "I need to make sure you know
how much you made her happy."

The mother shares, at the end, when Drew was unresponsive,
a Justin Bieber song played into her earphones managed to
make her smile.

Now I have to admit, Justin Bieber's songs don't get my feet
to tappin' and my hands a-clappin'. That being said, I have to
applaud and appreciate anyone who manages to brighten the
last days of a dying child.

If that is the case for a rock star who paid a one-time, short-
term visit to Kaylee, what ought to be the world's response
to the Savior?

You know, when Jesus enters an individual's life, it isn't for
a stolen moment or two. No, when Jesus comes, He comes
to stay.

That is why, over the centuries, He has been by the deathbeds
of the rich, the poor, the young, the old, the parents, and the
children. He has been there when death came quietly, and He
was there when death gave a long-time warning. Jesus was
there when the dying individual was alone, and He was there
for the person surrounded by a host of family and loved ones.
But there's more to be said about the Savior's presence when
a person dies.

We need to remember that when the physician is helpless and
the medicine is ineffectual, Jesus is doing some of His best
work. He who died so we might be forgiven and adopted into
God's family of faith is there to take us through the valley of the
shadow of death. He is present to assist the dying and comfort
the mourning.

He is there -- and because He is -- when death comes calling,
we need not be afraid.


Dear Lord, the time is coming when I will leave this world. May
I be comforted by the knowledge that at that time I will not be
alone. On that day the Savior will take me to a reunion in heaven
that will never end. In Jesus' Name I give thanks. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Wednesday, October 05, 2016


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true,
whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
admirable-if anything is excellent or
praiseworthy-think about such things. -
Philippians 3:8

The Bible's most common command is do not
worry or do not be afraid. In the word of God,
the most common thing that is said is do not
be anxious, do not be worried, or do not be
afraid. Worry, more than anything, will suffocate
your spiritual life. It will cut you off from intimacy
with God and others. Whereas faith, trust, rest,
and slowness will allow you to grow deeper in
your faith with God. Focus on what's good in
your life. That will give you the hope and the
confidence to not be anxious and to not be
suffocating. Do you ever feel strangled by worry
or anxiety? Stop it! Relax and focus on what's
lovely, praiseworthy, noble, true, and good, and
watch as you change your thoughts as your
whole world begins to change.


Dear Lord, thank you for your love. Today I pray
that I focus on the lovely things in my life. Amen.
(Rev. Bobby Schuller)

Sunday, October 02, 2016


 Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Al Gore were in
an airplane that crashed. In heaven, they found
God sitting on the great, white throne. He
addressed Al first.

"Al, what do you believe in?" Al replied, "Well,
I believe I won the election in 2000, but it was
your will that I did not serve. I've come to
understand that now." God thought for a second
and said, "Very good. Come and sit at my left."

God then addressed Bill. "Bill, what do you
believe in?" Bill replied, "I believe in forgiveness.
I've sinned, but I've never held a grudge against
my fellow man, and I hope no grudges are held
against me." Again, God thought for a second
and then said, "You are forgiven, my son.
Come and sit at my right."

God then turned to Hillary and asked, "Hillary,
what do you believe in?"

She replied, "I believe you're sitting in my chair."
(Hillary Clinton supporters I hope you have a
sense of humor I couldn't resist)