Friday, January 13, 2017


In the days following the ugliest election in my
life (I was born in 1945), I have seen few if any
commentaries on how this election impacted the
children of America.  Our kids hear our fears and
anxieties, as well as what they hear on TV or radio,
but they are not able to deal with and process those
fears as are adults.

     What is our Christian responsibility to help our
children to deal with and overcome the fear and anger they
feel when they hear the president-elect denigrate
minority groups and promote violence against
those who disagree?  This is truly a teachable
moment in every house of worship, and not just
for adults.  Our kids are suffering and we cannot
let the words of narcissistic bigot go unchallenged.
I urge us not to forget the children
(from sojourners Bill Turney, Houston Texas)-


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