"The meaning of Good Friday"
"I was born for this; to bear witness to the truth" (John 18:37).
(Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Psalms 31:2,6,12-13,15-17,25;
Hebrews 4:14-16;5:7-9; John 18:1-19:42)
Good Friday- If I may I would like to tell you what Good Friday means to me.
On Good Friday I stand at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ and I see God's
love, I see "Agape", pure unconditional love. I am humbled to believe that
before me is the Son of God who has given the ultimate sacrifice. He has
given his life for you and me. I feel such love and such deep, deep, faith.
My response to this love is that of repentance. I feel such a desire to tell
Christ of all the wrongs, all the terrible deeds, all the sins that I have done.
As the scripture writers tell us, I take an honest look at how I have hurt my-
self and how I've hurt others, and I have done this many times. I atone myself
not to do those sins anymore, and to thank God for His forgiveness. I believe in
a Christ who was mocked, humiliated, tortured, and nailed on a cross, and
through all of this asked his Father to forgive them. You see thats what Good
Friday means to me, unconditional love, sacrifice, and forgiveness. My friends
open your lives to the meaning of the cross, there are people who need you.
Serve the cross of Christ, don't let the cross be a symbol in your life of
execution and death, but a very real meaning in your life of love, sacrifice,
Dear Lord, thank You for Your sacrifice, thank You for that love, and thank
You for Your forgiveness. May I take that love, sacrifice, and forgiveness
and worship You and serve others. THANK YOU GOD FOR BEING GOD!!!!
In Jesus name amen.
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