My Thanksgiving prayer
to you from me;
Is for love strong and true
that you hold within thee.
A heart that beats steady
and holds love within;
For your brothers and sisters
and all creatures by Him.
A soul that is worthy
of all of His love;
That is given to you
from the Heavens above.
Food on your table
that you thank the Lord for;
Friends to surround you
forever and more.
A house filled with love
and the light how it shines;
Showing all of its beauty
till the end of time.
Kindness towards others
for all of your days;
To be returned I pray
in many a way.
A good job to keep you
and pay all your bills;
That you spend it all wisely
and not on the frills.
A family around you
that is loving and true;
That you all stand together
for there are so few.
Children to bless you
if that is God's will;
To cherish and nourish
so your life is fulfilled.
Dreams of pure beauty
as you lay there and sleep;
Through the peaceful night
when darkness is deep.
An angel to guide you
through morning and night;
To protect you and love you
till the end of your plight.
And last but most important
your love for God will shine through;
To the Heavens above
for He's waiting for you.
Amen and God bless!
Judy N. Marquart
© November 2002
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