Sunday, December 28, 2008



"But when the Father sends the Counselor
as my representative—and by the Counselor
I mean the Holy Spirit—he will teach you
everything and will remind you of everything
I myself have told you. I am leaving you a gift
peace of mind and heart.…"
(John 14:26-27 NLT)

"He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves,
"Quiet! (Peace) Be still!" Then the wind died down
and it was completely calm. (Mark 4:30)


On the stormy sea of Galilee, Jesus commanded
the winds and waves, "Peace, be still" (Mark 4:39),
and immediately there was calm. And later in the
upper room, as Jesus told His disciples that He
would leave them, He promised them the Holy
Spirit and peace. That promise of peace is
extended to both you and me. As a Christian
I know the peace of Christ and I am to extend
that peace to all. Let us start this new year
passing the peace of Jesus Christ on, as a
person, as a community, as a nation!


May the peace of Christ that passes all
understanding go with you all!


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