Saturday, December 20, 2008



"The Lord knows how to rescue godly men
from trials." (2 Peter 2:9)


I remember, as a boy, often getting
into, what I thought was earth shaking,
arguments with my peers. Often times
those disagreements would end with the
phrase, "I won't if you won't." The problem,
was of course, was that ending would
rarely ever last. First one child, then the
other child would try to infringe on the
forbidden area or action without actually
violating the "agreement."
Jesus' model prayer, "The Lord' Prayer",
gives us a different and new course.
"And lead us not into temptation but
deliver us from the evil one." (Matthew
6:13) With that as your attitude, you
are well on your way to becoming a
maker of peace instead of war!
Please remember this, in Christ who
strengthens you, you are ready for
anything. Rejoice today that God will
give you power to meet whatever comes
into your life, and that He will use it for
His higher purpose. Walk in obedience
with joy!


Oh God thank You for being there always
ready to help and even rescue me.


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