Tuesday, December 16, 2008



"Today a Savior has been born to you;
He is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11).

At Christmas time, a school teacher in England
supervised the construction of a manger scene
in a corner of the classroom. It delighted her
pupils to set up the model barn and cover the
floor with real straw and then arrange the clay
figures of Mary and Joseph and the shepherds
and the Wise Men and the animals, all facing
a little crib in which a tiny doll represented the
Infant Jesus. One lad simply could not tear
himself away from it. He kept returning to it,
and each time stood there completely
engrossed and wearing a puzzled expression
on his face. The teacher noticed him and asked,
"Is anything bothering you? Do you have a
question to ask? What would you like to know?"
With his eyes still glued to the manger scene,
the boy said slowly, "What I'd like to know is,
where does God fit in?"


Are you asking that question? I know I am.
Where does God fit in all this? I look around
and I am amazed at what I see. I see Christmas
starting in October, I am saddened by Xmas.
Christ has been eliminated from His own birthday.
There is very little celebration, only sellabration.
We are expected to buy, buy, and buy some
more. I don't want to be cynical only happy.
Where does Jesus Christ fit in all of this.
Well if you got just a minute I like to tell you
where I think Christ fits in all this. First I
would remind myself and you that we are
celebrating "A Savior has been born to us,
He is Christ the Lord". That's right Almighty
God became one of us, in all His perfection
He was still one of us. He didn't come here to
rule, He didn't come here to conquer. He came
on this earth to serve, to sacrifice, and to save.
He served us through His teachings of love and
peace, His miracles, and all His deeds. He came
here to sacrifice, as matter of fact He gave the
ultimate sacrifice, He died on the cross for you
and me. Through His service and sacrifice, He was
resurrected and is alive, and through the Holy
Spirit He is with us now. He is here for me and He
is here for you. You see Christ doesn't fit in,
He is in, He is right here. He is in my mind,
He is in my heart and He is in my soul. That's
what I'm celebrating, the birth of all of this,
and much much more is still to come. IS JESUS


Thank you God for Your Son Jesus Christ.
Thank your service, thank You for Your
sacrifice, thank You for Your salvation.


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