Friday, December 30, 2011


By Rev. Wayne Palmer


Read Matthew 8:23-27.

...and His Name shall be called ...
Mighty God .... (Isaiah 9:6b)


Last June tow truck driver Pedro Arzola
was working under a 1990 Cadillac Seville
when the car lurched forward. The front
right tire ran over his torso and dragged
him about 10 feet before he was finally
pinned under the rear tire. He yelled to his
wife to help him. Even when she was joined
by two strangers they were unable to lift
the car.

That's when Danous Estenor, an offensive
lineman for the USF football team walked by.
Hearing the screams he joined them but was
also unable to budge the car at first. Then he
backed up, felt energy come into him and tried
again. This time he was able to lift the 3,500
pound car and save Arzola's life.

At one point or another in our life we will all face
troubles larger than we are, situations from
which we can't save ourselves. We will
experience that helplessness when our last hour
on earth comes. No one on earth will be able to
save us-no doctor, lawyer, celebrity-not even a
football player.

Isaiah wrote, "To us a Son is given ... and His
Name shall be called Mighty God." No situation
we face is too difficult for the Baby of Bethlehem.
The devil and all his fellow, fallen angels tried every
trick in the book but were unable to overpower Him.
Even as He was dying on the cross the mighty Son
of God was able to crush the devil's head while
paying for our sins. By His resurrection He has
defeated death and opened for us the doors of


Savior of the world, thank You for Your great might.
You have crushed all my enemies and promise to be
at my side always. Protect me through this life and
bring me to heaven when You return.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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