Read Luke 23:35-39
"Those who were crucified with Him also
reviled Him." (Mark 15:32)
The physical pain of being beaten, flogged
and nailed to a Roman cross is bad enough.
But Jesus also experiences the bitter pain
of emotional abuse. He watches the people
pass by on the road turn and fling their
ridicule at Him. He hears the mockery and
laughter of the chief priests and scribes.
Beneath Him the Roman soldiers cruelly
taunt His thirst by holding up wine vinegar
just outside of reach (Luke 23:36-37).
Perhaps two people can actually sympathize
with Him. After all, the criminals hanging on
His left and right are condemned criminals too.
They are going through much the same
excruciating physical pain He is suffering. But
their great pain and suffering drive them to lash
out against Him too. The Greek word we
translate "revile" means to insult or belittle
someone- like a couple of schoolyard bullies.
Wherever Jesus turns He is under attack.
Jesus is literally suffering what all of us deserve
for our sins- everlasting punishment in hell.
Throughout the Bible hell is described as a place
where people are bound hand and foot and cast
into utter darkness (Matthew 22:13) where they
suffer great pain from the inside and the outside
(Isaiah 66:24). That is exactly what Jesus is
suffering with His hands and feet "bound" to the
cross by the nails, the great pain racking His
body- and as we will see tomorrow, thick
darkness which will leave Him alone in His great
He did it all for you and me- so we can live with
Him in the perfect peace, joy and light of heaven
Lord Jesus, You were surrounded by countless
enemies who mocked and laughed at Your distress.
Thank You for taking my place in hell and giving me
Your place in heaven. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries Lenten Devotional)
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