Friday, February 24, 2012


Read Mark 8:29-31


"And He began to teach them that the
Son of Man must suffer many things."
(Mark 8:31)


What is your mission in life? What do you
think you were put here to do? Some of us
find it difficult to answer that question. But
for Jesus the answer is crystal clear. The
reason He became human and was born
into this world at Christmas was to suffer
and die for us.

At Christmas when you look down at that
baby lying in Bethlehem's manger, suffering
and death is the farthest thing from your
mind. But there are already hints about
where His life will lead. If He had not come
to suffer, then why was He lying in a feeding
trough when He should have been lying in a
soft crib? Why was He raised by a carpenter
as His foster-father when that meant He
would take up that trade and everything that
goes with it- the cuts and bruises, the
blisters and calluses?

If God's Son became human to share our
life- and to transform it for us- He had to
share all of it. Not the life of ease and luxury
that few enjoy, but the very opposite- the
worst experiences people have. He had to
know poverty, physical suffering, grief,
loneliness, abuse, ridicule, torture, rejection
and finally death. That was Jesus' mission-
to exchange His life for ours, to overcome
our suffering by His own suffering- and free
us from death by His own death.

And more than that- Jesus tells them the
end of the story- He will not remain dead.
In three days He will rise again.


Lord Jesus, You did not hold Yourself
back from suffering, but sacrificed Your life
to save us all. Thank You for giving meaning
and a purpose to my life. Amen.

(Lutheran Hours Ministries)


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