Monday, February 27, 2012



Read Mark 8:31-33

"And Peter took Him aside and began to
rebuke Him." (Mark 8:32)


It was just a routine checkup and Ann
expected everything to be fine. She felt
good, was sleeping well, had plenty of
energy, she even had been losing weight
like she wanted. The doctor said she was
in perfect health but he wanted her to take
a routine test. She left his office in high
spirits. But when she phoned for the results
on Monday she felt like she'd been slapped
in the face- she had cancer.

Peter must have felt a similar shock when
Jesus said He "must suffer many things, be
rejected and be killed." He couldn't wrap his
mind around it. "Jesus will suffer and die?
There must be some mistake. Jesus is God's
Son, the promised Savior. He can't die! He
has to save us from the Romans." He turned
Jesus aside and started trying to straighten
Him out.

Peter must have been shocked and hurt when
Jesus turned and forcefully said, "Get behind
Me, Satan!" After all, he had only the best
intentions for Jesus.

But Jesus knows mankind's true enemies
are not political rulers like Tiberius Caesar,
but spiritual rulers like Satan, death and hell.
They must be defeated- and the only way to
defeat them is to walk the road of suffering
and death. Jesus' suffering is necessary- so
necessary He will permit nothing and no one
to stand in His way. Jesus is determined to
save us from our sins and win eternal life for
Peter, His disciples, and all people.


Lord You showed such determination to
save us from our enemies. Give me such
determination to follow You in all circumstances.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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