Tuesday, July 10, 2012



Mark 5:21-24, 35-43

This passage tells the story of Jarius, a leader in the
synagogue who searches out Jesus, falls at his feet, and begs him
to come heal his dying daughter. As we know, synagogue leaders were
pretty skeptical of Jesus, and Jairus most likely shared their view.
But when it came to his daughter, he would do anything to save her.

How often have we search for Jesus to save a loved one? "Come
to my house, Jesus." "Jesus, heal my spouse, sibling, child, parent."
"I haven't paid much attention before, Jesus, but I sure need you now."
Even if we are skeptical about Jesus, when faced with losing a loved
one, we, like Jairus will do anything to save them.

The story ends positively, as do many of our own stories, with a
love one healed. We rejoice when the cancer is a laminated, the
the tumor found that benign, the disease cured. And we, like the
onlookers at the home of Jairus, stand amazed.


God, help us acknowledge the evening power of your Son, not only
when we are desperate, but always. Amen

(From Covenant Home Altar, dated July 4, 2012)


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