"You must love your neighbor as yourself"
(Mark 12:31).
A number of year ago at a "Special Olympics"
track and field event, held in Spokane
Washington, the contestants lined up for the
start of the hundred-yard-dash. When the
starter's gun was fired, all got off well, except
one boy who tripped over his own feet, tumbled
to the ground, scraped his arm and began to
cry. Hearing this, two of the athletes stopped,
turned around and went back to where the fallen
boy lay. One girl, afflicted with "Down's
Syndrome," bent down and kissed his injured
arm. "This will make it better," she said. With
the boy back on his feet, the three held hands
and crossed the finish line together.
A somewhat similar event took place in the
"Madrid Marathon" several years ago. Four
thousand runners answered the starter's gun.
Toward the end of the grueling race, two men
were far ahead of the pack. Near the finish line,
one of them was suddenly taken with severe
leg cramps and was unable to continue on his
own. Whereupon, the other leader stopped,
picked up the afflicted competitor and carried
him across the finish line.
Eric Hofer, San Francisco's famous
longshoreman/philosopher once wrote, "It is
easier to love humanity as a whole than to love
one's neighbor." It has been said also that
"If there is one person you cannot love then you
cannot love anyone." Yet, Jesus' command
persists: Love one another, as I have loved you.
Stop and think! Stop and reflect! Stop and search
deep within your soul until you can see the full
implications of what it means to love the Lord
your God. Stop, until your soul has grasped --
as a matter of Christian Faith -- that love of God
and love of neighbor are inseparable. Then God
will know you love Him, even before you tell Him.
(Exerpts from Sunday Sermons on Line)
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