By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Read Luke 1:14-17
TEXT: "Many will rejoice at his birth, for he will
be great before the Lord." (Luke 1:14-15)
Stringing up Christmas lights is hard work,
especially when you are up on that ladder on a
cold, windy day in December. But it's all worth it
when evening comes. You summon your children
and have them stand far enough back to take it
all in, and then ... you throw the switch. Those
bright lights bring them such joy; it's a joy many
of your neighbors will end up sharing too.
How wonderful it must have been for Zechariah to
hear that the child for which they had waited so
long will bring them great joy, and not great
heartache. But it's even bigger than that. Their
son will not only be a great joy to them, he will be
a source of great joy to many other people as well.
He will be great because God will set him apart
and fill him with the Holy Spirit, even from his
mother's womb. The Spirit will equip him to
accomplish his great God-given mission. As the
angel tells Zechariah, "He will turn many of the
children of Israel to the Lord their God, and he will
go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah ...
to make ready for the Lord a people prepared"
(see Luke 1:16-17).
John will expose our selfishness and show us why
we need a Savior, so we will trust in the promised
Son of God. It is He alone who will work out our
salvation in His perfect life and innocent suffering
and death. Clearly, it was worth waiting all those
years to have such a son as John.
Prayer: Lord God, thank You for sending Your
Son into our world, and preparing people like
Zechariah and Elizabeth to be parents of His
forerunner John. Give me courage to walk with You
in faith as You order my steps. In Jesus' name,
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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