Wednesday, February 20, 2013



Read Luke 4:1-13.
TEXT: And Jesus was led by the Spirit in the
wilderness for forty days, being
tempted by the devil (see Luke 4:1-2).

When Satan first squared off against humanity,
he tripped up our parents in the Garden of Eden with
his cunningly twisted words. They disobeyed God's
Word, ate the forbidden fruit, and plunged our world
into death and destruction. Now Satan squares off
against our Savior.

For 40 days Jesus ate no food, while our enemy
unleashed a devastating torrent of deceitful temptations.
Luke records three final deceitful traps Satan set
for Jesus.

First, he appeals to Jesus' great hunger: "If You are
the Son of God, command this stone to become bread."
It sounds innocent enough, but Jesus sees the trap.
Following Satan's advice will show He doesn't trust God
to provide His needs.Jesus answers, "It is written, 'Man
shall not live by bread alone.'"

The tempter next offers to give Jesus all the kingdoms
of the world if He will worship him. Jesus answers, "It is
written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only
shall you serve.'" He came to walk His Father's difficult
saving path-not Satan's shortcut.

In one final temptation Jesus is placed on the pinnacle
of the temple. Satan challenges Him to jump, appealing
to God's promise in the Psalm, "He will command His angels
to guard you ... lest you strike your foot against a stone"
(Psalm 91:11a, 12b).

If Jesus won't jump, it looks like He doesn't trust God's
promise. But Jesus sees through it. He doesn't have to prove
His faith to Satan. He replies, "It is written, 'You shall not put
the Lord your God to the test.'"

Having ended every temptation unsuccessfully Satan
departs from Jesus, awaiting a more opportune moment.


Almighty God, where Adam and Eve fell to Satan's lies,
Your Son stood firm. Thank You for His salvation. Help
me trust You as He did and cling to Your Word alone.
I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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