Sunday, May 12, 2013


Recently our pastor at our Princeton Church wrote an article
about the church. If I may I like to quote a couple of short
paragraphs from his message.

"This vision of connecting with
God comes straight from Scripture. From beginning to end
of God's Word, it is clear that God has always desired to
have a people, who were intimately known by Him and who
would love Him in return. In the beginning, He made us---
male and female---in His image, that is to say, in a unique
relationship with our Creator, capable of knowing Him,
serving Him, and embodying His attributes in the world that
He had made. That special connection was lost through the
entrance of human sin; God's image in us was broken. The
rest of the story of the Bible is about the lengths to which
God has gone to re-connect us with Himself and to restore
us to the image of God.

First, He revealed our sinfulness
and the need to obey Him through His law. Then in the
story of Israel, He showed us how impossible it is for us to
keep His law and obey as we ought. Something more was
needed to free us from the power of sin so that we could
walk in trust and obedience with our Creator again.

This is where the Gospel enters in. The Gospel is the
Good News that in the person of Jesus Christ, God has
entered human history to overcome the power of sin and
death in the world. By Jesus death and resurrection, the
power of God's kingdom has been unleashed into the world.
New creation is possible, including new birth within human
hearts, as we turned back in the direction of our Creator by
His Holy Spirit. We are getting re-connected to God!
Revelation, the last book of the Bible, gives us many
pictures of the successful outcome of God's work. He will
one day gather a great assembly, from every people group
on earth! As it was in the beginning, all of these people will
forever enjoy an intimate connection with our God, who has
gone to such great lengths to save us!"



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