Imagine someone is a compulsive gambler. It’s hard to
overcome any addiction, and this person tries
unsuccessfully to break out of the gambling cycle.
Then one day, he hits rock bottom. He is deeply in debt
and his wife leaves him. The man feels incredible pain
and regret. He feels it so intensely that he resolves, like
never before, to break his habit once and for all. Every
time he is tempted to revert to his old ways, he thinks
of the pain he once knew. He beats his habit, rebuilds
his life, and finds himself stronger than ever before.
What brought him down leads to his pathway up.
Instead of being upset at our inability to change, let’s
use our frustration as the reason to change. The very
shovel that dug our ditch can become the very tool that
helps us dig our way out.
With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
(excerpts taken from Holy Land Moments)
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