Sunday, July 07, 2013


A man was driving down the street frantically looking
for a parking space. He had an important meeting and
was running late. Not a space was in sight. In
desperation, the man turned toward heaven and prayed:
“God, if you find me a parking space, I promise to go to
church every Sunday and give up swearing for the rest
of my life!” Suddenly, the parking space in front of him
opened up. The man looked back up and said, “Never
mind, God, I found one!”

This story drives home two points. First, it
demonstrates our tendency to turn to God only in
times of trouble and crisis. Secondly, this story points
out that although we may make all kinds of changes
and commitments to God during our time of need, we
often forget about our promises when we no longer
“need” God’s assistance.

We can choose to remember God in good times as
well as in difficult times. We can choose to honor the
commitments we make when life gets tough, or even
better, we can dedicate ourselves to becoming better
people before we are in crisis.

Our God is good and faithful; He has done so much
kindness for us in the past. The best kind of gratitude
is to make Him the focus of our lives in the present

With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

(excerpts taken from Holy Land Moments)


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