Thursday, August 22, 2013


Struggling in the face of a mid-life crisis, a somewhat
foolish couple was walking down the street one day
when they heard a voice from above: "You will live to be 100."

They looked around and didn't see anyone. Again they
heard the voice: "You will live to be 100."

Oh boy, the husband thought, that must be the voice of God!
"Whoopie!" the wife exclaimed to her husband, "we've got 40
more years to live and we need to look the part!"

So off they went to the plastic surgeon for their various
procedures: a facelift, hair restoration, chin implants -- the

Weeks later on the way to a follow-up visit to the plastic
surgeon's office, the couple was hit by a bus, died, and went
up to heaven.

Upon arrival, the woman protested to God "You told us we
would live to be 100. We're supposed to have 40 more years.
So why would you let a bus kill us?"

Whereupon God replied: "Because I didn't recognize either
of you!"


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