Thursday, December 05, 2013


(Day 5 of Advent)


Read Psalm 104:24-35.
TEXT: In Him was life (see John 1:4).


One of my favorite Christmas traditions is our Christmas
tree. While every other tree in the wood stands bare and
dead, our pines and spruces still look green and full of life.
But once we cut down one of those trees and bring it into
our house it's only a matter of time before it dries up and
its needles start to fall. Even if we were to leave it in the
ground it would still grow old, turn brown, and die, after
enough years passed.

Every creature on earth is like that. Life is a gift we
receive from God. We require food and drink to sustain
that life, but no matter how hard we try, after enough years
we grow old and frail, and eventually die.

Not so for the Baby in the Christmas manger. John tells
us, "In Him was life"-the immortal life of God Himself.
This separates Him from His creatures. He alone
possesses life as an element of His being. Not a single
one of us creatures can claim this. Not long before
Jesus went to the cross for us He said, "I lay down My
life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from Me,
but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to
lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again"
(see John 10:17-18).

That's what makes Christmas such a joyous season:
the mighty, living Word came to restore life to us in the
midst of death and suffering. Through His own death
and resurrection He has conquered death and gives us
life unending.


Thank You for giving me life and sustaining that life in
this world, O God. Receive my praises for Your Son
who laid down His life that I might live eternally with
You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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