(Day 16 of Advent)
Read 2 Samuel 7:1-16.
I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall
come from your body, and I will establish his
kingdom (see 2 Samuel 7:12).
The greatest king over Israel in the Old Testament was
King David from the tribe of Judah. He loved and trusted
God. While still a young man he boldly went up against
the giant Goliath and defeated him with a sling. He
became leader of Israel's army and fought many wars
to protect the nation that had descended from Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob. Finally, after many years the enemies
were defeated with God's help, and Israel was at rest
from war.
That's when David sat in his palace and thought about
the Ark of the Covenant. At God's command, Moses built
this symbol of God's presence among His people. After
hundreds of years that Ark was still sitting in the tent
Moses had constructed for it. David proposed to build a
great temple, so the Ark could finally rest inside a
permanent structure.
But through the prophet Nathan, God told David he was
not the king to build a temple, a house for Him. Instead,
God promised to build a house for David-an eternal
kingdom. He promised to raise up one of David's offspring
to be an eternal King; this King would live and reign over
Israel forever and ever.
David recognized that prophecy. It was the same promise
God had given Adam and Eve, the same promise He had
given Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah. It said one of their
descendants would be the promised Savior, the Son of
God. We celebrate the fulfillment of that promise again this
Christmas season with the birth of Jesus Christ our King.
"O come, Thou Key of David, come, And open wide our
heav'nly home; Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery." Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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