Read Psalm 119: 137-144.
TEXT: But I am ... scorned by mankind and despised by
the people (see Psalm 22:6).
Jesus' enemies surround His cross like cruel children who
have stepped on a worm and now laugh as they watch it
wriggling and writhing in pain.
The Roman soldiers standing watch over Him treat Him with
shame and contempt. They stripped and flogged Him,
crowned Him with thorns, and mocked and ridiculed His
claim to be King of the Jews. They forced Him to carry His
cross and nailed His hands and feet to it. On the cross they
mock Him, holding their sour wine just outside His reach
and saying, "If You are the King of the Jews, save yourself!"
(See Luke 23:36-37.)
It's not surprising the Romans would scorn Him, but what
about His own people? Wouldn't they recognize Him as their
God, their Messiah? No. They despised Him. Months before
His neighbors in His home town of Nazareth tried to throw
Him off a cliff to His death (see Luke 4:28-30). Later, Jews
in Jerusalem tried to stone Him (see John 8:59). Just a few
hours earlier His own High Priest Caiaphas summoned false
witnesses against Him. Then when He was taken before
Pontius Pilate, Caiaphas acted as prosecutor to pressure the
Roman governor to condemn Him to death.
When they finally got their way and Jesus was hanging from
the cross you might think they'd have the decency to leave
Him be. But no, they stand before Him scoffing and saying,
"He saved others; let Him save Himself, if He is the Christ of
God, His Chosen One!" (See Luke 23:35.)
He can't save Himself. He's bleeding and dying on the cross
to save them -- and us.
Lord Jesus Christ, while the Romans and Jews stood beneath
You, mocking and ridiculing, You were shedding Your precious
blood to pay for their sins. Forgive my sins and strengthen my
faith in You. Amen.
(Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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