Read Psalm 106.
TEXT: To You they cried and were rescued; in You they
trusted and were not put to shame (Psalm 22:5).
The overwhelming wrath of God for our sins has fallen on
Jesus as He hangs on the cross. Though His Father has
forsaken Him, the writer to the Hebrews reminds us,
"Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud
cries and tears, to the One who was able to save Him
from death. And He was heard because of His reverence"
(see Hebrews 5:7). Jesus firmly clings to His Father,
trusting Him to rescue and deliver Him from death and hell.
But when all He sees is the Father's wrath, how can He
still cling to this trust? He thinks back to the experience of
His Jewish ancestors. Time and time again they fell into
great distress and trouble because of their sins. Then as
they were suffering they recognized their sins, turned to
God, and cried out to Him. And time and time again, God
heard their prayers, had mercy on them, forgave them, and
faithfully rescued them. They trusted in God's deliverance,
and that trust was not put to shame; God came through
and delivered them.
Though Jesus committed no sins, He is in sore distress
because He carries all of ours. But He knows His Father.
Once this payment has been made in full Jesus will give up
His spirit and God will give Him rest and peace in His
When we face times of sore distress we can call upon our
Heavenly Father for Jesus' sake. We can then rest in the
sure confidence our trust in our Heavenly Father will not be
put to shame either.
Lord Jesus Christ, help me cling to You in faith, just as You
clung to Your Father in Your time of sore distress. Amen.
(Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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