Thursday, April 03, 2014


Read Psalm 6.

TEXT: I can count all my bones -- they stare
and gloat over me (Psalm 22:17).

One of the most painful aspects of crucifixion was having
your entire weight hanging from your hands. Your whole
body was stretched by the weight, which shot intense pain
through every joint, muscle and bone. The stretching also
caused the bones to stand out, which is why Jesus is able
to count all of them.

As David couples together Jesus' ability to see and count
all His bones, with His enemies staring and gloating over
Him we are reminded that crucified criminals were hung
naked. This removal of clothing served the purpose of
making crucifixion as great a deterrent as possible by
adding the shame of public nudity to the excruciating pain.
In Jesus' case, His enemies look on Him in hatred, and
take great pleasure in seeing His protruding bones and
watching Him writhe in agony.

What incredible love our Savior shows! He well might pray
for His Father to strike down such evildoers who take
pleasure in seeing their Lord and Christ suffering. Instead,
He prays "Father, forgive them, for they know not what
they do." Even though to forgive them, He is taking their
punishment upon Himself.

That also brings us back to the prayer that echoes over
and over again throughout this psalm: "My God, My God,
why have You forsaken Me." Repeatedly, Jesus points out
His enemies' cruelty and savagery, their shameless
mockery, ridicule and torment. He asks His Father how
long He will continue to forsake Him, and pour out upon
Him such wrath and fury.


Lord Jesus Christ, Your love and grace is impossible to
measure. You endured such scorn and agony out of love
for the whole human race. Help me share that love with
everyone I meet. Amen.

(Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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