"You Have to Know Who to Trust"
Read Psalm 146.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in
the LORD his God, who made heaven and earth. ... The LORD
watches over the sojourners. Psalm 146:5, 9A
Putting up Christmas lights by yourself isn't very easy, and often
it's not very smart either. In the first week of December 2006 three
men in northern Texas fell off ladders while decorating their
houses. Two were paralyzed and the third died. They broke one
of the first rules of using a ladder: always have someone there to
help steady the ladder. They forgot the second rule too: if you must
climb the ladder yourself, make sure it is secured to the roof.
We tend to trust in our skills, our abilities, and our knowledge --
even our balance -- more than we should. But asking someone to
help who has no idea how to hold a ladder would be no better.
This week in church we light the third candle in the Advent wreath.
Traditionally, and still in many churches today, that candle is a
different color from the others. It is a reminder to turn our attention
to Christ Jesus who is different from all other people. He is
absolutely trustworthy and able to handle every single problem
that could possibly come our way.
Are you hoping for a "perfect Christmas" this year? What are you
counting on to make it perfect? Is it the perfect present under the
tree? Is it getting all the presents bought and wrapped? Is it
getting every string of lights onto your house and your Christmas
tree and then keeping them lit all through the holiday season?
Will it be the perfect Christmas if you are able to get each
member of your family to join you? Will it be perfect if everyone
is healthy?
How often do our hopes and aspirations for Christmas -- and for
life itself -- depend on our accomplishments or someone else
coming through for us? Whenever you have placed your
confidence in an Internet business, a department store, or the
forecast of the local meteorologist, how many times have you
been disappointed at Christmas because you or somebody else
has failed?
There is only one safe place to set our hope, and that is in the
God who made the heavens and the earth. He alone has the
power to do all we need. He alone loves us enough to give us
more than we can ask or imagine. He is the God who became
human and lived among us. He is God who laid down His life
on the cross and rose again in glory for us. He is the God who
walks along with us and guides us to our heavenly home. Our
hope is in Jesus Christ our only Savior, for whose sake our
Heavenly Father stands at the end of life's road with His arms
widespread, waiting to welcome us into His heavenly Kingdom.
Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son to be our
Lord and Savior. Forgive us for placing so much trust in
ourselves or in others. Teach us to rely on Jesus Christ alone
for He can never fail us. In Jesus' Name, we pray. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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