Saturday, March 21, 2015


"How Can the Christ be Lifted Up?"

Lenten Devotion

(Jesus said) "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw
all people to Myself" (John 12:32). 

Read John 12:33-50.

The crowds are confused. Jesus has told them He will be
"lifted up," and they know exactly what He means. Being "lifted
up from the earth" was a familiar phrase describing death on a
cross. But they all know the Christ remains forever, so how can
Jesus be the Christ if He will die on a cross?

It's easy for us to share that confusion too. God's light doesn't
always make sense to our sin-darkened minds. Jesus simply
tells them, "The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk
while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you." Satan is
always trying to overtake us, trying to snatch away the light from

One of the tools he uses is the confusing things that happen in
this life, things that don't always make sense to us. Often our
search for answers leads us to question God and doubt His love.
Jesus just encourages us to walk in Him. He invites us to lay
those questions at the foot of His cross, to focus instead on the
extent of His love for us. It's a love that moved Him to lay down
His life in terrible suffering that we might be forgiven.

We don't understand every reason for everything that happens to
us. And we won't always find all the answers to all our questions,
but we don't have to. We only need to walk in Christ's light and
keep looking to Him. At the right time He will make everything


Heavenly Father, I don't always understand the things I see around
me. Help me to come to Your Son's cross, that there I may know
Your love and receive Your strength. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Written by Rev. Wayne Palmer


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