Sunday, December 06, 2015


By Rev. Wayne Palmer

Read Luke 1:14-17. TEXT: "And he will turn many of the children
of Israel to the Lord their God, and he will go before Him....
" (Luke 1:16-17a).

The news Zechariah has heard from the angel is enough to make
his head spin. Not only will he finally become a father, his
miracle child will be a great prophet, bringing many of God's
people back to Him. But the angel is not finished yet. His son
John will "go before the Lord."

The reality behind these words is staggering. The time has finally
come. At last God is fulfilling His ancient promise to send the
Savior. The mighty, eternal Son of God is coming to His creation.
What a wondrous and amazing time to be alive! How much more
incredible to think their son, John, is God's hand-chosen prophet
to prepare the Jewish people for the Savior's coming. In fact, he
will point out the Messiah when He comes.

You and I also live in a remarkable time. In three weeks we will
remember and celebrate the wondrous birth of God's own Son.
In the upcoming months we will retrace His great works on our
behalf--including His suffering, death and resurrection, which
restored us to God, our Heavenly Father, and guaranteed
eternal life to all who trust in Him.

Christmas transforms you and me. Like John, the Holy Spirit
fills us, turning us back to God, and preparing us to share the
story of Jesus' salvation with the people in our lives. When we
tell others about Jesus, the Spirit prepares their hearts for His
coming as well.


Heavenly Father, thank You for turning my heart back to You
through Your Son Jesus. Please send me to share the story
of Jesus' life so that Your Spirit may turn others to Him,
through me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

(By Rev. Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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