Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Scripture: Philippians 4:4-9


One common refrain in the Christmas holiday season
is a call for peace. And yet is there is a more chaotic
time of year?  We rush about to get to the stores in
time "while supplies last" battling for parking, and
hoping to stay within the budget by getting the
"best deal". Some of us fall into depression and
despair.  All this does not seem peaceful at all.
     In this passage, Paul had every reason to be
stressed out.  He was in prison,not knowing what his
fate might be.  And yet he encouraged the Philippians
to find joy again and again and again (v.4).  He had
a deep sense of the nearness of his King to his
condition (v.5).  He understood the power of prayer
and praise to overcome anxiety and stress (v.6).  He
found a peace that defied the chaos and pain of his
surroundings, transcending conventional understanding
(v. 7)


Dear Lord my gracious King.  I pause right now from
whatever I am doing to thank you for your provision,
your presence and your peace. AMEN

(Covenant Home Altar author,Quaime Lee)


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