Read Luke 2:6-7. TEXT: And she gave birth to her firstborn
Son .... (Luke 2:7a).
Advent Christmas Eve. I can't hear those words without
being filled with a childhood wonder and thrill. Tonight is
always a magical time with all the dazzling lights, the brisk
air, and the joyous music in church. What a night to sit
around the tree with family and recall fond memories of
Christmases past.
But my Christmas Eve experiences pale in comparison to
what Mary and Joseph experienced that first Christmas
night. Mary gave birth to her firstborn Son, and together
with Joseph she looked into the eyes of God. She stroked
His baby-soft skin, and felt His tiny fingers wrap around
her finger. Wonder of wonders, indeed.
Over the centuries since that first Christmas we have
layered many traditions, decorations and activities into the
fabric of our celebrations, but underlying it all remains the
one thing that truly transforms our Christmas celebration:
that tiny newborn Baby.
This is the mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince
of Peace. On His shoulders rests the government of the
entire creation. Yet He comes to us in a familiar form, a
Baby, One who drives away our fears and melts our
hearts of stone. Whatever fears weigh on your heart this
night, be sure to stop and look upon this precious Child,
take Him in your arms, and wonder at the God who came
to save you and drive away your fears.
Lord Jesus, thank You for becoming one of us. By Your
birth, life, death and resurrection, You have won eternal
life for each of us. Drive away from my heart all fears and
concerns, and fill me with Your heavenly peace. Amen.
( Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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