By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Lenten Devotion
Then came the day of Unleavened Bread, on which the
Passover lamb had to be sacrificed. (Luke 22:7)
Read Hebrews 9:1-15.
The day has come. The Jewish leaders and all the people
see this as just another remembrance pointing back to
that first great Passover in Egypt. But Jesus is aware that
all human history hangs on this pivotal day. For this is the
day when God's own Passover Lamb will be sacrificed.
His blood will not save the Israelites from slavery, or the
firstborn from physical death. His death will deliver every
man, woman and child who has ever lived, or will ever live,
from slavery to sin, and from everlasting death in hell.
He makes that sacrifice for all people-freely offering
forgiveness to all people, to you and to me. But on
Judgment Day the angel of death will only pass over those
of us who, by faith, are marked in the blood of God's Son.
Jesus' holy angels will separate believers from unbelievers,
and cast all unbelievers into the eternal fire of hell.
Our reading from Hebrews today speaks about what Jesus
will accomplish through His suffering and death on the cross.
Jesus will bring His own blood into His Father's presence in
heaven, and by that blood cleanse us from all our sins.
That is the depth of Jesus' love for you and me. That is why
He was willing to become human, to be born in Bethlehem's
lowly manger. It's why He will allow Himself to be betrayed,
beaten, slapped, punched, flogged and crucified. By His
sacrifice and His shed blood we are forever forgiven and we
are free.
Lord Jesus, You came to take our sins upon Yourself and
bear the punishment of God in our place. Thank You for that
great sacrifice. Now give us courage and true concern for
those dying around us so that we may share Your victory with
everyone You bring into our lives. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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