Wednesday, February 10, 2016


By Rev. Wayne Palmer

Lenten Devotion 2016

And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to
put Him to death, for they feared the people (Luke 22:2).

Read John 12:12-19.

People don't take too kindly to being told they are wrong-not
today and not in Jesus' day either. When someone confronts
our decisions-or even worse, challenges the way we have
chosen to live our lives-we are tempted to write him off as
narrow-minded and intolerant. It's fine for him to believe what
he thinks is right, but he should leave me free to believe and
live the way I think is right. The only trouble with that is we
don't get to decide what's right and wrong: God does.

For many months Jesus has been confronting the Jewish
religious authorities. They cling to a religion of works: human
rules and traditions by which they believe they earn blessings
in this life and eternal life with God afterward.

But Jesus knows better. He knows His Father in heaven is
holy and perfect. God cannot simply overlook the wrongs we
do. That would make Him unjust. But even though the Father
is just and holy, He is also filled with grace, love and mercy.
That is why He sent His own Son, Jesus, to save us.

But the Jewish leaders have rejected Jesus-and they are
pushing back hard against Him. Even so, Jesus won't go
away. He keeps coming back again and again when all they
want is to be left alone.

So now this huge confrontation is looming. Jesus cares too
much to leave the Jewish authorities in darkness. So He
shows them their error by teaching them God's truth. But His
words don't sit well with them. They reach the conclusion that
He must be silenced.


Lord Jesus, thank You for caring enough about me to show
me my failings and how to be right with my God by confessing
my sins and trusting in You as my Savior. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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