Saturday, April 02, 2016


"Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe"
(John 20:29).
According to NASA officials, no one has ever been killed
by a meteorite strike -- that is until a few weeks ago.
As some of you may have read in recent news accounts,
"a man was killed after being struck by a meteorite in India,
apparently becoming the first person in recorded history to
die in such a manner." Talk about bad luck! The man died
after suffering severe injuries while walking on a college
campus where the meteorite struck, the Wall Street Journal
reported. Three others were hurt in the blast.
Fortunately, injuries from Meteorite strikes are incredibly rare.
NASA experts explained that while the likelihood of a person
being killed by a meteorite is infinitesimally small, it is
reasonable and logical to assume that the likelihood
increases in proportion to the size of the impacting comet or
The Apostle John has written, "No one has ever seen God."
That is a reasonable, logical statement. We may even joke
that we have a better chance of being struck by a meteorite
than seeing God. When we see in this sense, we see objects,
things outside of us whether near or far.
In today's Gospel Lesson, the disciple Thomas' confession --
"My Lord and my God" -- is the most profound expression of
Jesus' Lordship and Divinity to be found in all of Scripture. It
goes beyond belief in what Thomas saw before him -- the
Risen Jesus. It expresses our Christian belief in its fullness:
(Sunday Sermons Online)


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