Saturday, November 29, 2008



Hebrews 12:23 (New International Version)
23to the church of the firstborn, whose names
are written in heaven. You have come to God,
the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous
men made perfect,


After serving 15 years in prison for his crime,
the convict walks out a free man. He has paid
his debt to society, he is now a free. But
now the real question arises: Has he changed
his ways? Or will he return to a life of crime?
These are two very important questions, not
only for the man but also for society.
Justice may have been served without the
criminal's having been rehabilitated. But
unless both take place, the criminal will only
become hardened in his unrighteous ways.
In our Christian Walk, progress results from
the twofold action of justification and sanctification.
We need to constantly remember that our savior
Jesus Christ took care of God's justice by dying on
the cross. Jesus accepted that death penalty and
brought it upon Himself that we sinful men and
woman deserved. And if you believe in Jesus Christ
and believe in His death and resurrection, you, yes
you can walk right out of that prison of sin a free
But that act of belief of declaring yourself free from the
guilt of sin has to be followed by rehabilitation. You see
like the convict constantly tempted to return to a life of
crime, you are constantly tempted by sin. When you are,
that's when you need to remember that Christ also walked
out of prison with you and He's the best friend a convict
will ever have. IS HE YOUR FRIEND?


Thank you God for sending Your Son to set me free!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


My Thanksgiving prayer
to you from me;
Is for love strong and true
that you hold within thee.

A heart that beats steady
and holds love within;
For your brothers and sisters
and all creatures by Him.

A soul that is worthy
of all of His love;
That is given to you
from the Heavens above.

Food on your table
that you thank the Lord for;
Friends to surround you
forever and more.

A house filled with love
and the light how it shines;
Showing all of its beauty
till the end of time.

Kindness towards others
for all of your days;
To be returned I pray
in many a way.

A good job to keep you
and pay all your bills;
That you spend it all wisely
and not on the frills.

A family around you
that is loving and true;
That you all stand together
for there are so few.

Children to bless you
if that is God's will;
To cherish and nourish
so your life is fulfilled.

Dreams of pure beauty
as you lay there and sleep;
Through the peaceful night
when darkness is deep.

An angel to guide you
through morning and night;
To protect you and love you
till the end of your plight.

And last but most important
your love for God will shine through;
To the Heavens above
for He's waiting for you.

Amen and God bless!

Judy N. Marquart
© November 2002

Monday, November 24, 2008


The First American Thanksgiving
is attributed to the autumnal feast held by the Pilgrims
and Massasoit in 1621. The Mayflower passengers,
having survived a rather challenging winter in the
"New World" and having managed to harvest their
surviving crops, hosted a feast which was an
English tradition that signaled the end of harvest time.

The Massasoit's religion demanded that they
help those who came with empty hands. The
recently landed newcomers had been in such
need during their first year in the territory.
Additionally, the Massasoit were members
of the widespread confederacy of Algonkian-
speaking people known as the League of
Delaware. They were also the most important
and influential sachem of the Wamapanoag.
It was because of the Massasoit's generosity
and in hopes to negotiate a land deal that
they were invited to the harvest celebration
with the Separatists. The most noteworthy
and historically familiar member of the Native
party was Squanto, who was the only non-
Separatist who had been formally educated
and baptized a Christian.

The date of the feast is unknown. However,
it must have occurred previously to December
as that is the month that one of the only
written accounts first is documented. There
are only two known written eyewitness reports
of the event; that of Edward Winslow and
William Bradford who described the details
of the fishing and hunting expeditions and
the fact that the festivities lasted three days.

The Massasoit, ninety individuals in totem,
provided five deer for the feast. Among some
of the other edible items were duck, geese,
turkey, fish, and corn. It is unlikely that the
dishes presented were extravagant because
the colonists weren't aware when the next
ship docking would take place and would
have conserved whatever spices they had.

There are many myths surrounding the
modern day celebration of Thanksgiving.
Although Thanksgiving as a holiday can
be traced to the harvest celebration of 1621,
it was neither a feast held annually or meant
as a celebration of giving thanks. Just two years
later, in 1623, there is no mention of a Thanksgiving

The Pilgrims were primarily a Separatist group
who arrived in Massachusetts the previous year.
Their visual use in Thanksgiving decorations is
often misconstrued. The familiar black and
white garb with the large buckles that we
see today is incorrect. The appearance is
related to Puritans who arrived in the Americas
later and who only used the black and white garb
occasionally. Buckles weren't in production until
the late 1600's as well.

When a member of the Mayflower party would
die, an inventory of their belongings would be
assessed. Most inventories revealed a tendency
for darker colors, but many people had a wide
range of color in their clothing collections.

The Pilgrims weren't the only ones misrepresented
in latter day artwork and stories. The Massasoit
are typically depicted in costumes that are more
closely related to Plains tribes.

The first national Thanksgiving was declared in
1777 by the Continental Congress. It wasn't yet
an observed holiday and several other "Thanksgiving"
days were proclaimed inconsistently until 1815.
Thanksgiving reverted to being a regional event
until 1863 when two days were declared. The first
being August 6th after the victory at Gettysburg
and the second being the first last-Thursday-in-
November celebration. Abraham Lincoln was the
first American President to proclaim Thanksgiving
a nationally observed holiday as the insistence of
a long-time advocate, Sarah Hale. However, in 1939,
Franklin D. Roosevelt believed the holiday to fall too
close to Christmas
and made a motion for it to be celebrated on the third
Thursday in November. Not every State complied. In
1941, a joint resolution of Congress chose the fourth
Thursday in November, which is not always the last
Thursday in the month.

Today, Thanksgiving isn't considered Thanksgiving
unless there is a bountiful feast of turkey and all the
trimmings, images of Pilgrims and Native Americans,
or the ever popular pumpkin. Through the years, it's
become a religiously affiliated holiday and trips to
local churches as well as providing a banquet for
the less fortunate have become seasonal traditions.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


(Here is a prayer I pray everyday)

O Almighty & Everlasting God, creator
of heaven, earth and the universe.
Help me to be, to think, to act what
is right, because it is right. Make me
truthful, honest and honorable in all
things, make me intellectually honest,
for the sake of right and honor and
without thought of reward to me.
Give me the ability to be charitable,
forgiving, and patient with my fellow
men. Help me to understand their
motives and their shortcomings, even
as thou understands mine!
In Jesus Name AMEN

Monday, November 17, 2008


"Finally, all of you, love in harmony with one another,
be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate
and humble....that you may inherit a blessing."
(1 Peter 3:8-9)


We have all heard the quote that says, "Two
wrongs don't make a right". That statement is
quite logical but logic flies out the window when
someone hurts you. But before you strike
back, stop remember that the love of Christ
in your heart can absorb the hurt and can
enable you to bless you would be adversary.
That's right you can bless him. Thank God
that His Spirit will give you grace to follow the
example set by Christ Himself.

Prayer For President-Elect:

O Lord God, You are mighty and strong,
unshakable and powerful in all Your ways.
I praise You for calling us to hide in You,
to take refuge in You during times when
we are tempted to fear. When things in
our lives appear to be falling apart, I
thank You that You are immovable
and strong.

Today I pray for the President-Elect,
that You will help and empower him
to place his full trust in You. Make
him fearless, Lord. May he replace
any fear he feels with confidence
and trust in You at every turn. Hold
him firmly in Your hand as he trusts
in You, O mighty God. In Your
wonderful name, amen.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Day Eight: November 12, 2008
69 days, 19 hours and 16 minutes
left until inauguration day.

For the President- and Vice President-Elect
to be wise and thoughtful as they exercise
their authority, firmly resisting the temptation
to abuse it
When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice;
when the wicked rule, the people groan.
—Proverbs 29:2

All-knowing God, before You all
things are laid bare and every
detail, whether large or small
is known. All praise and glory goes
to You, O mighty God, for Your
omniscience and omnipotence
before the greatest and least of
the rulers of our world.

Lord, we ask You today to help
the new President and Vice President
of our nation to be persons of impeccable
integrity. O God, make this team one
that does not use its authority for
frivolous means or mis-guided intent,
but instead recognizes and reveres
the responsibility that has been given
to them. May they see it as a divine
trust given by You. Cause them to be
wise and proper stewards of their
positions, and keep them from the
evil that could so easily ensnare
them in dishonesty. By the power
of Jesus we pray, amen.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


For righteousness and godliness to characterize
the life and actions of the new President, Vice
President and every newly-elected leader
Who is wise? He will realize these things. Who
is discerning? He will understand them. The
ways of the LORD are right; the righteous
walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.
—Hosea 14:9

O mighty God, You are our perfect and
righteous God. There is no goodness or
righteousness apart from You and Your
ways. Today I praise and thank You for
Your perfection and Your holiness. Even
though they are unattainable, they put in
my heart a thirst for You and Your goodness.
Thank You, Lord that Your holiness compels
us to be holy.

I pray today for the new President, asking that
You will put in his heart a desire for You, for
Your goodness and holiness. I pray that You
will give him a thirst for wisdom, discernment
and understanding from You. Protect him from
leaning only on his own wisdom, and cause him
to look to You. Cause him and the Vice
President and all our elected leaders to desire
Your righteousness, so that their steps may be
sure. This I ask in Jesus’ name, amen.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Day Six: November 10, 2008
71 days, 19 hours
left until inauguration day.

For the President-Elect to be genuinely
humbled before God as he faces the
daunting task of leading our nation
for the next four years
The fear of the Lord teaches a man
wisdom, and humility comes before honor.
—Proverbs 15:33

Holy God, You give us the gift of
communication with You through prayer.
You promise to guide us as we humble
ourselves before You, and You declare
Your truth and insight to us as we listen
to You respond to our supplications.

Today, Heavenly Father, we ask that
You would empower our new President
to revere You, putting aside all pride and
self-centeredness as he acknowledges
who You are and what You wish to
accomplish through him. Show him
that for him to be honored, he must
humble himself before You and be
taught by Your voice and by Your Word.
As he does this, Lord, give him confidence
that, as he trusts in You, You will
equip him to meet the challenges of
his high calling as President of the
United States. In the name of
Jesus we pray, amen.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008



Give thanks for the blessings of democracy
experienced in America yesterday as the
nation's first African-American President was
elected. Pray for President Elect Obama
and Vice President Elect Biden as they
plan for their new administration.
Pray for our nation to be united under God
as we move into the coming months...

Give thanks for the outworking of God’s
sovereign will in our nation through the
votes of citizens as seen in yesterday's
election. Praise God for answered prayers
as there were no major incidents and results
were known with certainty. Pray for President
Elect Obama to seek God and His will in every
decision and plan that he makes, and pray for
his safety as he travels and makes plans.

Pray for President-Elect Obama that he will be
awed before God with the responsibility he has
to seek His face as he prepares to lead the
nation. Pray for a swell of support in prayer
for him as he makes plans. Pray also for
Senator John McCain, that he will have God’s
grace as he returns to his former responsibilities.

Prayer For Our President Elect Obama

Most High God, Blessed and Wonderful
Savior, Ever-present Holy Spirit,
Precious Lord, our Governor, Whose
glory is in all the world,
We commend this nation to your
compassionate and merciful care
As we are guided by you providence,
may we dwell secure in your peace.
Grant to the President Elect Obama
of the United States, your wisdom
and strength to know and to do your will.
Fill the President Obama with the love
of truth and righteousness.
Make him ever mindful of his call to
serve this people in your fear.
In the name of the Wonderful Father,
Most Beloved And Precious Son,
and Ever-present Holy Spirit
upon whom we can rely.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


An unprecedented opportunity is at hand.
A promise to be realized.
A truth to be perfected.
A challenge to be met.
An honor to be earned.
A right to be exercised.
An experiment in democracy to be

And one thing is certain...

Your vote
Is critical!
Today we each have a chance
to make a difference.
Will your voice be heard? Will your vote
be counted?
Be connected.
Empower yourself.


Monday, November 03, 2008


You shall not murder (Exodus 20:13).

But I tell you, do not resist an evil person.
If someone strikes you on the right cheek,
turn to him the other also (Matthew 5:39).


I think the time has come. We claim to follow the
teachings of the Son of God, the Savior of the World.
Then let's start doing it. Jesus Christ constantly teaches
us to "love your enemies", "turn the other cheek", "do not
resist evil with evil". When are we going to get the hint?
When are we going to follow the teachings of Christ. Please
don't say that you are a Christian just to get votes! These
teaching's are not off the cuff remarks from Christ, they are
the very basis of what Christ was telling us. He does not
ever speak of war, of killing, He only speaks of peace and love.
When are we going to learn that the way to overcome evil, the
way to overcome our enemies, IS TO DO MORE GOOD.
We turn our enemies into friends, by the good we do. When
you do good things, you are no longer seen as a threat!
When there is evil power in control, the way to overcome that
power is to do more good for the less powerful. You see Christ
taught us the meek shall inherit the earth, not the powerful.
My Christian brother's and sister's, especially those running for
office, don't take my word for this, read your Bible. If you can read
the teachings of Jesus Christ, and find where Christ teaches us
that violence, war, aggression, police action, and killing are
acceptable responses to evil, please oh please let me know
where. Because if you can't, then please think about calling
yourself a Christian, and I mean know judgment here,
only an opinion. I certainly have enough logs in my own eyes to be
looking for the specks in others eyes. Finally I'm not trying to
convert anyone here, I'm only asking that the one's who claIm to
converted, ACT LIKE IT!!!!!



Muriel Lester
Social Activist, Gandhian Pacifist

"The job of the peacemaker is to stop war,
to purify the world, to get it saved from poverty and riches,
to heal the sick, to comfort the sad, to wake up those who
have not yet found God."