Monday, January 02, 2012


By Rev. Wayne Palmer


Read Matthew 2:1-2.

... behold, wise men from the east came to
Jerusalem. (Matthew 2:1b)


During these last days of the Christmas season
we turn to the wise men. We mentioned briefly
last week that these men were counselors and
advisors to their king. They were considered
experts in nature, astrology and medicine. While
studying the heavens, they spotted a special light
that announced the birth of a great king. God had
placed it in the sky to guide them to His Son.

There are many mysterious things about the wise
men. We aren't sure what country they came from;
though they certainly didn't come from the Far East-
the Orient. We don't know how many there were;
we only know they presented three gifts to Jesus.
We don't even have enough information to know the
nature of this "star." The Greek word can refer to a
comet, a conjunction of planets or a special
miraculous light God placed in the heavens. But
one thing is clear: the star convinced them the great
King had been born.

As they arrive in Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel,
one great mystery remains for them. They ask King
Herod "Where is He who has been born king of the
Jews? For we saw His star when it rose and have
come to worship Him."

Throughout this Christmas season God has shown
you the certain fact that He sent His Son Jesus into
our world to save you from your sins. Will you be
like the wise men, leaving everything behind to
worship your Savior and learn more about Him?

Heavenly Father, give me the certainty You gave
the wise men, that Your Son was born King of the
Jews and my King. Move me to worship Him and
want to know more about Him. In Jesus' Name.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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