"Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it
is established". (Proverbs 24:3)
I've had a lifetime to wonder about what is the most important
thing in my life. I've come to the conclusion that after my love
for God my family is the most important thing in my life.
You know what’s really beautiful is that the family was God's
idea in the first place. It was not the invention of let's say
sociologists or economists or government bureaucracies, who
decided what would make society operate more smoothly, it
was families. There is something that we need to keep in mind,
families existed before cities and governments, even before
written language, nations, temples, and yes even churches.
What is truly unique is that in a family, character and integrity
are formed, values are made clear, and especially, goals are
set. This all last a lifetime. And if they are not formed correctly
it will result in bad patterns that will also last a lifetime, if God
doesn’t intervene.
Today, the family is under attack as it has never been before.
I believe that evil is constantly trying to attack our families. If
this is true what are our defenses against such attacks.
As is always, constant in my mind, is the Word of God. I
really and honestly believe that we need to read the Bible,
God's word, as a family. I think the best defense is the best
offense, and that offense is having family devotions. The best
offense is to pray for one another daily. We must be on guard
against the forces that tend to pull families apart. And most of
all we must commit our whole family to Christ and make
Jesus the center of our home and our lives.
Almighty God, right now I get on my knees, and I pray for my
family. You Lord created this family, I now pray that You take
care of my family. You see all Lord I recognize that You are
the best offense against attacks upon my family. I pray to You
Lord that You will continue to love and take care of my family,
because my family is Your family. In Jesus Name AMEN!
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