Thursday, December 19, 2013


(Day 19 of Advent)


Read John 1:19-34. There was a man sent from
God, whose name was John. He came as a witness,
to bear witness about the light, that all might believe
through him. He was not the light, but came to bear
witness about the light (John 1:6-8).

What is the most spectacular holiday display in your
area? How did you first find out about it? Unless it
happens to be your or your neighbor's house, or is
somewhere along the way to work, church or school,
somebody must have pointed it out to you. No matter
how bright this display is, we can pass within a block
or two of it without ever noticing it's there.

The same is true of the Child of Christmas. God's
mighty Son, the Light of the world, was lying in a
manger in Bethlehem, but none of the neighbors knew
a thing about it, that is, until some shepherds started
spreading the word that an angel had visited them and
announced His birth. The wise men never would have
started their long journey to Bethlehem to worship Him
unless the light of the Christmas star led them to Him.

That's why we need the witness of John the Baptist,
so we can know that the Baby of Christmas, the Child
in the manger, is God's promised Savior. John's voice
still cries out today, calling us to turn from our
destructive life of selfish preoccupation, so Jesus can
be born in our hearts. Now God sends us as witnesses
to tell our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers
about the most spectacular Light this world has ever


Heavenly Father, thank You for sending witnesses like
John the Baptist to lead me to the brightness of Your
mighty Son. Empower me to be a witness, leading my
friends, family and neighbors to the wondrous Child of
Bethlehem. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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