(Day 21 of Advent)
Read Revelation 3:20-21.
He was in the world, and the world was made through
Him, yet the world did not know Him (John 1:10).
Christmas is a big deal in the United States. Drive along
any road this Christmas Eve and you'll see more
shops, stores and restaurants closed than any other
day of the year. It seems like the whole world stops to
recognize and celebrate our Savior's birth.
Isn't that how it was that first Christmas morn? Didn't
everybody stop and rush to Bethlehem to see their
God and Savior sleeping in the manger -- as an infant?
Sadly, the answer is no. Search the texts of ancient
Roman historians carefully and you'll find no record of
His birth. What you will find is a brief mention of His
execution as a criminal under an obscure Roman
military governor named Pontius Pilate. The world was
too preoccupied with its own affairs to recognize
Christ's arrival.
Christmas is indeed a huge deal in our country. But is
our world really that much different than the first century?
How often is Jesus' birth overshadowed by Christmas
specials about St. Nick, snowmen or grinches? Can we
see the torch-lit manger beyond the bright holiday lights,
the shiny sales advertisements, the preoccupying
parties? How often do our own Christmas planning and
preparations push Him off to the side?
That's where we see Jesus' meekness and humility most
clearly. He didn't demand to be born in the best house in
town; He settled for a dusty, smelly feeding trough as His
crib. This Christmas He comes in that same humility,
quietly knocking at the door of our hearts. As the
Christmas carol says, "Where meek souls will receive
Him still the dear Christ enters in."
Heavenly Father, we are so easily distracted by fancy,
shiny things we often miss the truly important things --
like Your Son sleeping quietly in the manger. Forgive
us and help us to welcome Christ our Savior this
Christmas. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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