Sunday, December 13, 2015


Read Luke 1:31-33. TEXT: "And behold, you will conceive
in your womb and bear a Son, and you shall call His Name
Jesus" (Luke 1:31).

Advent devos 2015In a few short brushstrokes, the angel
tells Mary what God is about to do. She will conceive and
bear a Son. She is to name Him Jesus. This is a very
common name in Mary's time. It means "The Lord saves.
" Whenever you met someone named Jesus, their name
was pointing you to the Lord who saves.

But for this Child the Name will mean so much more. The
angel adds, "He will be great and will be called the Son of
the Most High." Since the Son of God Himself is becoming
human for us, His Name Jesus is different from all the others.
It points out that this is the Lord Himself; He has come to
save us. This is literally the Lord who saves.

That's staggering by itself. But the angel isn't quite finished.
God will give her Son the throne of His father David. David
was Israel's greatest king in the Old Testament. He won
many great victories for Israel over its enemies and, in so
doing, established a strong and peaceful kingdom, secure
from all its enemies.

God told David He would build him a house, raising up for
him a descendant who would reign over an eternal kingdom
forever. And now that famous promise is being kept.

Whereas earthly kings come and go, this King will not.
Though He dies on the cross, within three days He will rise
again and reign over His Kingdom forever. This Christmas
He calls you and me to be subjects of that never-ending
Kingdom--free and safe from all our enemies--Satan, sin,
 fear, death and the gates of hell.


Heavenly Father, thank You for fulfilling
Your promise to King David through his descendant Jesus
Christ. I praise You that He rules in mercy, faithfulness and
righteousness. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

(By Rev. Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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