Wednesday, December 09, 2015


Read Luke 1:21-23. TEXT: And the people were waiting
for Zechariah, and they were wondering at his delay in
the temple (Luke 1:21).

Advent Each morning and evening a priest offered the
burnt offering on the altar that stood outside the temple
building. Then a second priest entered the temple to burn
incense. Normally, this incense offering was very brief.
After burning the incense upon the altar of incense, the
priest stepped back through the doors to pronounce the
blessing upon the gathered worshippers standing outside.

But this afternoon Zechariah is delayed. Everyone
standing outside begins to wonder why. Of course, we
know it took time for the angel Gabriel to make his
announcement, for Zechariah to voice his doubts, and
for Gabriel to answer them.

Finally, Zechariah steps out through the doors, but he
can't give the benediction. He stands silent, making signs
to them. Soon the people realize something has
happened. From his signs they gather the priest has seen
a vision in the temple.

This is remarkable, for more than 400 years since the
close of the Old Testament writings, God has remained
silent. He has raised no prophet to speak to His people.
Could it be that God is now ready to beginning stirring
things up again?

As Christmas draws nearer, God is ready to start shaking
things up. But first He wants to work in your heart to
prepare you to receive the Messiah who is coming to take
away your sin, doubt, fear and death.


 Heavenly Father, make my heart, mind and spirit ready to
celebrate with joy the birth of Your dear Son Jesus so that
I may boldly and gladly share His joyous salvation wherever
I go. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

(By Rev. Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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