Monday, December 21, 2015


Read Luke 1:64-75. TEXT: And immediately his (Zechariah's)
mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he spoke,
blessing God (Luke 1:64).

Advent       The long months of silence are over. Without a
word, Zechariah has had to watch everything transpire--
especially those wondrous three months when Mary came
to visit with the promised Christ growing in her womb. Now
the silence is over. The last time Zechariah spoke, words
of unbelief came from his lips. Now they are words of profound
praise to God--inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself.

Zechariah chiefly says two things about the Child of Mary--the
Christmas Child. He has been raised up as a horn of salvation
for us from our enemies. In the Old Testament the horn was a
symbol of strength and power. God has raised up Jesus to be
our strength and power. He saves us from great and terrible
enemies: Satan, sin, death and hell.

Secondly, having been saved from these fearful enemies, we
are now able to serve God without fear, in holiness and
righteousness all our days.

That means because of Jesus' coming at Christmas we can live
without fear. No more do we have to worry about upsetting God
or receiving His wrath because we didn't do something exactly
right. Freed from our fear of God and confident in His provision
for our needs on earth, we are free to focus on other people--and
how we can serve them. And we can serve them best by sharing
the freedom and fearlessness Christ has brought us.


Heavenly Father, in Your Son, Jesus Christ, You have liberated
us from the fear of life, death and hell itself. Enable me now to
serve You with joy and share the salvation story of my Lord Jesus
Christ. In His Name I pray. Amen.

( Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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