Thursday, December 17, 2015


Read Luke 1:51-55. TEXT: (Mary said) "He has brought down
the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble
estate" (Luke 1:52).

Advent   Mary continues her song of praise to God. She points
out something her Son Jesus will frequently speak about in His
ministry: God humbles those who exalt themselves, and He
raises up those who bow themselves low.

Many people are proud of themselves and their accomplishments.
They brag and puff themselves up, always trying to impress people.
They think God is the same way. But God is completely different.

He gives His Law to make us honest with ourselves, to humble us
with the realization that we fail to live the lives He demands of His
creatures. None of us can stand in confidence before God. It is the
purpose of His Law to break our hearts, and put us on our knees.

But that isn't where God wants to leave us. The good news of
Christmas is that in His love our Heavenly Father sent His dear
Son Jesus Christ to lift us to our feet. Jesus forgives our sins and
takes the punishment for our disobedience upon Himself.

Mary's wonderful song of God's goodness and salvation has been
picked up by the church and incorporated into its order of worship
or liturgy for centuries. You may well sing it during midweek Advent


Heavenly Father, thank You for humbling our pride through Your
Law so that You may lift us up by Your grace in Jesus Christ, Your
Son. Open my heart to the wonder of Your mercy shown so clearly
as You sent Your Son Jesus to be one of us. In His Name. Amen.

( Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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