By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Read Matthew 2:9-11.
And going into the house they saw the child
with Mary His mother, and they fell down and
worshiped Him... (Matthew 2:11a)
Few people enjoy Christmas more than children.
Simply recall their unbridled enthusiasm and the
wonder and jubilation beaming from their faces
as they rush down the stairs on Christmas
morning. The joy of the wise men might have
actually topped theirs. Matthew says, "When
they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly
with great joy."
The Magi travelled a long way to see Jesus.
They heard God's Word telling them where His
Son would be born. They saw the star go ahead
of them until it stood over the house, and they
saw the King of Israel-probably only a toddler at
the time. They fell before Him and presented Him
their precious gifts.
What an amazing picture! These weren't children
running down the hall to see the presents waiting
for them under the tree. These were grown men-
important, dignified, well-educated men. Yet they
were gripped by an incredible joy impossible for
them to contain.
We know so many things they didn't know. We
know this was God's eternal Son. We know He
came to live the perfect life we can't. We know He
grew up to heal the blind, deaf and lame, to drive
out demons and raise the dead. We know He died
on the cross and rose again to give us eternal life.
But with all of that, do we share their overwhelming
joy at our Savior's birth, life, death and resurrection
for us?
Lord Jesus, fill me with joy at Your first coming to
save us from our sins. Then on the Day You return
to judge the living and the dead fill me with
overwhelming joy to worship and praise You forever.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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