Saturday, February 18, 2012


I would like to talk on a different subject.
Some of you will say this is political or
radical. You may even say that it has
nothing to do with religion or faith. That's
ok please remember you are entitled to
your opinion.

I have four wonderful children. I am proud
of each one them. Each one of my children
presents a particular gift or talent that I'am
very proud of.

I would like to talk to you about my youngest
son. He has become a part of a movement
that has been in the news lately. He is a
protester, part of the Occupy Movement.
You still hear something about these
protesters every once in awhile in the
news. He's kind of like his old man, you
see I was a protester too, yes in the 60's
against a war, not those who fought the
war, but against the war itself.

I'm proud to say that my son was arrested
for what he and I believe in. I don't think
he minds me telling you this, if he does
it's to late. Now I realize that many of
you will have all kinds of images in your
mind about my son and about these
protesters. I'm sure they are the same
kind of images that many had of me when
I was arrested. I can't change those
attitudes and images and I'm not going to try.

My son and many of these protesters,
have a problem with a society that views
human beings as commodities. They have
a problem with a culture that celebrates the
logic of greed. You see they see the old
idea of democracy, that is, of the few that
governs the many through the power of
capital as being wrong. They see
democratic values in working together
in the very interest of social responsibility
and the common good. Does any of this
sound familiar, I think I learned this about
Jesus in church. I also believe this is
what I read in the Scriptures. In other
words, the man I put my faith in, that
I believe is the Son of God, the reason
I call myself a Christian said the same

Many of these protesters are shifting
the national conversation to important
issues. From poverty and joblessness,
to corporate corruption. They are asking
the big questions about our American Society
and the very foundations of our morality.




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